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A look back at the Adrien A.Ribet,“Du Sabord à la Fenêtre” The title of your exhibition is “Du Sabord à la Fenêtre” “from the scuttle to the window”: how did you choose this title and what does it refer to? The scuttle, a word which has several meanings is, among other things, an opening to…

A look back at the Adrien A.Ribet,“Du Sabord à la Fenêtre” The title of your exhibition is “Du Sabord à la Fenêtre” “from the scuttle to the window”: how did you choose this title and what does it refer to? The scuttle, a word which has several meanings is, among other things, an opening to…

Back to Miu Shinoda’s exhibition“Hanami II“ Where does the inspiration for the patterns and colors you use in your paintings come from? What is the technique used? The colors of my painting are represented by my senses. As a Japanese, living in a foreign country, France, is a daily struggle for me, and I…

A look back at Valérie Simoncelli‘s exhibition,“Portraits de Famille“ The title of your exhibition is “Family Portraits”: why this choice and how can the viewers participate? The title of my exhibition refers to portraits that already exist. Visitors are invited to continue an existing story by inventing a new “family story” that is…

A look back at Laëtitia Grün‘s exhibition,“Sous les Feuilles“ Where does the choice to draw with a biro and blue ink come from? I started drawing with a biro during my second year at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Grenoble. At that time, I often hiked in the mountains and carried in…

Back to Bernard DELAVAL‘s exhibition,“De Teintes et d’Or” (Of Hues and Gold) Your sculptures seem to come to life, to animate and move: how do you learn to look differently at the material to see the potential forms that are hidden inside? It is through the eyes of others that my sculptures come…

A look back at NKL – Nicolas Badout‘s exhibition,“dans la joie et la bonne humeur“ The exhibition “dans la joie et la bonne humeur.” proposes a vision of the future of mankind: what is the power of irony and satire in the face of the world’s pressing problems? For me, derision and…

Back to the collective exhibition “Erosion” Parcours Résonance 16e Biennal Art What does the main theme “Manifesto of Fragility” inspire you ? Why “Erosion” is the title of exhibition ? Barbara Lerch For me, the theme “Manifesto of Fragility” evokes everything that is related to the artist’s condition and the precariety of…