Laëtitia Grün

Who is Laëtitia Grün ?


Laëtitia Grün, born in 1989 in Nancy, Lorraine, now lives and works in the south of France. After graduating in 2013 from the École des Beaux Arts de Grenoble with a Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique, Laëtitia moved to the Bordeaux region where she devoted herself to her drawing practice and supported an artistic initiative aimed at young people.

In 2017, she responded to the call for projects Création en cours, launched by the Ateliers Médicis. This residency, which aims to establish young artists in territories that are the furthest from the cultural offer, led her to carry out her Poetry & Cartography of Ordinary Details project in the Aude region, with the pupils of the Lagrasse primary school. Having fallen under the spell of the Occitan region, Laëtitia has since settled there. Between Toulouse and Carcassonne, she exhibits her blue drawings, and continues her artistic development projects with schoolchildren.

Itinerances for those who walk and wander along the paths of reverie: a (poetic) parenthesis with their eyes in the landscape“.

Her approach to drawing mirrors the practice of walking: the regularity of the gesture, the repetition, the notion of duration and endurance progressively lead to a state of detachment of the body and the mind. While she rambles, the pen at her fingertips follows her course. It draws a line, a horizon, a landscape: a reflection of the poetry of the moment.

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Laëtitia Grün exhibits at the Gallery L’Alcôve from February 23 to March 12 2023 with the exhibition “Sous les Feuilles” : plus d’informations ici.
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